Conservative justices stir trouble for Republican politicians on abortion

Abortion opponents have maneuvered in courthouses for years to end access to reproductive health care. In Arizona last week, a win for the anti-abortion camp caused political blowback for Republican candidates in the state and beyond. The reaction echoed the response to an Alabama Supreme Court decision over in vitro fertilization just two months before. … Read more

New study reveals lifestyle factors boosting IVF success

In a recent study published in the journal Frontiers in Endocrinology, researchers examined how lifestyle factors and fertility-specific quality of life (QOL) influence the outcomes of assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments. Study: Lifestyle and fertility-specific quality of life affect reproductive outcomes in couples undergoing in vitro fertilization. Image Credit: Corona Borealis Studio / Shutterstock Background  Infertility impacts … Read more

New consensus statement aims to improve endometriosis evaluation

A new Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound (SRU) expert consensus statement to improve endometriosis evaluation was published today in the journal Radiology. Endometriosis is a common condition with substantial diagnostic delay, leading patients to experience pain, infertility, lost wages and interrupted relationships. The consensus provides recommendations for augmenting routine pelvic ultrasounds through additional maneuvers and … Read more

The surprising connection between male infertility and family cancer risk

In a recent study, researchers at Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah (the U) found a surprising trend in families with male infertility: an increased risk of certain cancers. This discovery could lead to a more personalized approach to cancer risk assessments, making cancer prevention more effective. According to the National Institutes of … Read more

Modeled human embryo produces a membrane that surrounds the developing embryo

A MedUni Vienna study team led by geneticist Markus Hengstschläger has used a stem cell model to model the earliest stages of embryonic development and to characterize the membrane that surrounds the embryo, conferring shape and stability. This membrane is responsible for the specification and organization of the embryo’s cells and allows it to grow … Read more

Florida limits abortion — for now

The host Julie Rovner KFF Health News @jrovner Julie Rovner is chief Washington correspondent and host of KFF Health News’ weekly health policy news podcast, “What the Health?” A noted expert on health policy issues, Julie is the author of the critically praised reference book “Health Care Politics and Policy A to Z,” now in … Read more

Feds join ranks of employers with generous fertility benefits

Companies have increasingly offered generous fertility benefits to attract and keep top-notch workers. Now, the federal government is getting in on the act. Starting this year, federal employees can choose plans that cover several fertility services, including up to $25,000 annually for in vitro fertilization procedures and up to three artificial insemination cycles each year. … Read more

Researchers uncover protein interactions controlling fertility in female mice

Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute have shed light on the proteins controlling the development of ovaries in mice before and after birth. This could lead to a better understanding of how female infertility develops. Following their research identifying the gene responsible for initiating the development of ovaries in the mouse embryo, the scientists aimed … Read more

IVF solutions could help address the falling birth rates among UK’s aging population

With the UK’s birth rate falling, more awareness and support are needed for people struggling or putting off starting a family to ensure future generations. The Department of Health and Social Care recently reported that more must be done to adapt for the onset of the UK’s ageing population. With an ageing population comes a myriad of … Read more

New discovery reveals how the egg controls sperm entry

After the egg has been fertilized by a sperm, the surrounding egg coat tightens, mechanically preventing the entry of additional sperm and the ensuing death of the embryo. This is according to a new study led by researchers at Karolinska Institutet and published in the journal Cell. The work also explains how mutations in egg … Read more