Can You Develop PCOS Later in Life? A Comprehensive Examination

Can You Develop PCOS Later in Life

Can You Develop PCOS Later in Life? Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is often associated with the reproductive years, but can it develop later in life? This question has sparked significant interest in the medical community. This blog post will delve into the current understanding of whether women can develop PCOS later in life, drawing on the most recent research and expert insights.

The Connection Between Age and PCOS

While you are born with PCOS, symptoms often start during puberty although for some people this can be later, up to their early twenties. It is also possible for PCOS to remain undiagnosed for years2.

PCOS Symptoms Manifestation in Adulthood

Many women don’t become aware they have PCOS until they are trying to get pregnant in their 20s or 30s3. Sometimes symptoms develop later after you have had periods for a while4.

PCOS and Menopause

It is now evident that PCOS does not disappear as women get into menopause5. This indicates that PCOS can persist, or potentially develop, later in life.


The relationship between age and the development of PCOS is complex and multi-faceted. While some studies suggest that PCOS symptoms can manifest later in life, more research is necessary to fully understand the implications. As we navigate our reproductive health journeys, it’s crucial to make informed decisions about our healthcare choices, including understanding the potential late onset of PCOS.


Can you develop PCOS later in life?

While you are born with PCOS, symptoms often start during puberty although for some people this can be later, up to their early twenties. It is also possible for PCOS to remain undiagnosed for years.

Can symptoms of PCOS develop after you have had periods for a while?

Yes, sometimes symptoms of PCOS develop later after you have had periods for a while.

Can PCOS persist or potentially develop during menopause?

It is now evident that PCOS does not disappear as women get into menopause, indicating that it can persist, or potentially develop, later in life.

Can PCOS remain undiagnosed for years?

Yes, it is possible that women may not know they have polycystic ovary syndrome for years.

When do most women find out they have PCOS?

Many women don’t become aware they have PCOS until they are trying to get pregnant in their 20s or 30s.

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