Gurgling water sound in belly during pregnancy | FERTILITY FORTUNE

Gurgling water sound in belly during pregnancy

So what is gurgling water sound in belly during pregnancy? Pregnancy is a beautiful and amazing time in a woman’s life. It is a time when a woman’s body is going through so many changes and she is growing a new life inside of her. It is a time of excitement and anticipation, as well as a time of some uncertainty. It is no surprise that the process of becoming a mother will be differently for every woman. For certain women pregnant women, the first trimester passed quickly and easily, whereas for some, the world fell over. However, the truth is, if there’s something that everyone has is a belly that is gurgling!

During pregnancy, it’s not uncommon to hear gurgling sounds coming from your stomach. This is usually caused by increased gas production due to the growing baby and changing hormone levels.In this blog post we will take a look at the causes of these annoying sounds and will also disscuss in detail that how to prevent them and also highlight the risks associated with them.

Gurgling water sound in belly during pregnancy?

The primary reason behind the noises of water gurgling during pregnant women is the fast growth of estrogen and progesterone hormones. They slow down digestion, causing constipation. The hormones relax the pelvic and uterus muscles and cause gas and bloating that is often caused by gurgling noises maybe Sometimes with the slight abdominal cramps.Goods news is that these weird noises are not harmful for you and your baby.If you experience abdominal pains that cannot be relieved by going to the bathroom, passing wind or resting, It is advised that you should consult your doctor.

What are the possible causes of gurgling sounds during pregnancy?

A lot of times, it is like Borborygmi the majority of pregnant women experience gurgling or water noises during 3rd and 1st trimesters. Certain women experience the sensation when they are hungry, some with a full stomach while a tiny percentage feel the sensation in both cases.Small intestines are hollow tubes-shaped organs that resemble tiny pipes. In the process of letting the intestines carry food, fluids , and gases they can produce sounds.

There are plenty of possibilities why these gurgling sounds are coming from your abdomen during pregnancy.


Naturally, the hormones’ function is to help ensure that the foetus’s supply with enough nutrients essential to growth and development. Oestrogen and progesterone reduce the digestion process, causing maternal gas and bloating. An investigation conducted by Obstetrics and Gynecology discovered the prevalence of 66% of bloating in pregnant women during their first trimester.


in pregnancy, there is an increase in the demand for nutrients. The body’s biological programming allows it to contract muscles to facilitate food movement within the digestive tract. these contractions are also called as peristalsis and occur whether you’ve eaten or not. When they occur , they signal hunger, you’ll experience the sound of water gushing coming from the digestive tract. The sounds will usually go away after you eat something.

Consumption of specific food:

Certain types of food are more gassy than other types. The foods that can create gas in the intestinal tract include:

  • Some vegetables, like broccoli and brussels sprouts as well as cabbages and asparagus.
  • Lentils/beans and various legumes.
  • Drinks with fizz like energy drinks and sodas.
  • Foodswith fats like seeds, nuts , and deep-fried food items.
  • Wheat, onion, and a few soft drinks.
  • Hot and spicy meals, particularly those that have the use of spices that aren’t natural.
  • Lactose( the natural sugar in milk).

Although hormones aren’t controlled it is safer to alter your diet and stick to regular meals. The sound of water gurgling is not only a nuisance but can be a source of distress. When you identify the root reason, it makes the treatment more efficient.

Absence of abdominal sounds like gurgling, could be a sign of constipation or a serious medical condition known as Ileus. Increased/hyperactive sounds show your gastrointestinal tract is experiencing intensive digestive activity. Hyperactivity is normal when you’re experiencing diarrhoea, or shortly after having food.

Sometimes, The noises could be caused by an underlying medical condition, such as an irritable bowel syndrome, food allergies or intestinal blockage.

When Should You Be Worried About Gurgling Noises?

You should be concerned about these gurgling noises if they are associated with:

  • Severe Pain
  • Nausea and Vomitting
  • Blood in the Stool
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever

You might be suffering from intestinal infection which is dangerous for both the baby and mother so it is important for you to consult medical doctor as soon as possible.

Is there any way to prevent or treat these sounds ?

While you might not be able to completely avoid these sounds, but some simple steps can ease the discomfort.

Avoid gas causing foods:

Certain foods as mentioned above are known to trigger stomach gas and stomach discomfort. Avoiding such foods may help.

Consume smaller and more frequent meals. 

Larger meals can be more difficult to digest. It’s recommended to have several smaller meals throughout the day.

Take your time while eating.

Be patient when you eat an meal take your time eating and chewing the food properly. A slow eating pace can aid in general digestion and could be able to reduce the noise that is unwelcome.

Avoid artificial sweeteners

Sorbitol is a chemical that every artificial sweetener contains when used in high quantities may cause an increase in the frequency of intestinal sounds. Candies, diet gums and sodas typically contain sweeteners like these.

Breathing exercises you should try

Many experts suggest belly breathing that is breathing in slow, deep breaths through the belly instead of toward the chest. This can to improve digestion.

Drinking Water

Aiming to drink more pure juices and water, fresh fruits help in digestion, thereby reducing gastric bloating. Fluids can reduce the need to eat more by making your stomach full. Drink water in short periods throughout your day.

Get physically more active

I understand how tired you feel after eating. Walking following a meal can boost bowel movements and improves your digestion. Do not go to bed immediately after eating unless you’re sick.

Wear loose clothes

Wear clothes that don’t fit around your stomach. The loose-fitting clothing is comfortable because they allow for the freedom of movement of the air and gasses in your intestines that cause gurgling sounds in your bowels.

Sleeping and Sitting Posture

If you’re sleeping or resting, you should be in a posture that relieves pressure from your stomach. Ideally, you should be on your left side while resting or sleeping.


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Is stomach gurgling a sign of labor?

Stomach gurgling is not typically a sign of labor. Stomach gurgling, also known as stomach rumbling, is often caused by the movement of gas or fluids through the digestive system. It can be a normal bodily function and is not usually a cause for concern.
Signs of labor may include regular contractions, a gradual or sudden increase in vaginal discharge, water breaking, and the onset of lower back pain or cramping. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider if you are experiencing any unusual symptoms during pregnancy, including stomach gurgling or any other discomforts.

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