Hope Programme for adults with PCOS – Free Course – Verity – The PCOS charity


PCOS affects mental health, wellbeing and overall quality of life. Coventry University have worked with PCOS patients, Verity and healthcare professionals to create an online course to help. Those joining the Hope PCOS course are invited into an online group run by peers who have PCOS themselves and are trained to support and coach others.

In this feasibility trial we want to find out whether we can test the Hope PCOS course – to see if it improves anxiety, depression, quality of life and mental wellbeing. The fairest test is a randomised controlled trial. We need to do this current feasibility trial first to test whether that kind of larger scale trial would be feasible (possible) to run later.

You can take part if you’re an adult with a diagnosis of PCOS by your GP or a hospital specialist.

  • Half of those joining the study will access the online Hope PCOS course in August 2023, with opportunities to interact with the others on the course and with the peer facilitator/coach.
  • Half of those joining the study will access the course in November 2023.
  • Everyone joining the study will be asked to fill in questionnaires at the beginning of the study, at the end of their Hope PCOS course and 3 months after their course ends.

Find out more and sign up by 11th August: http://bit.ly/HopePCOS

This work is supported by a Child Development Fund Research Grant from the Waterloo Foundation (UK). The main contact is Dr Carol Percy c.percy@coventry.ac.uk


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