Tumeric for pcos | FERTILITY FORTUNE

Tumeric for pcos

Is it worth taking Tumeric for pcos? Are you a mother who has been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)? If so, you’re not alone – up to 10% of all women in the US may be suffering from PCOS. Thankfully, there are several herbal remedies that can help alleviate its symptoms, and one potential option is taking turmeric. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the benefits that tumeric could provide for mothers living with PCOS as well as how best to introduce it into your lifestyle. So read on if you want to learn more about taking tumeric for managing PCOS!

Benefits of Turmeric for PCOS

Turmeric can be a great herbal supplement for women who suffer from PCOS. Its range of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties has been used by traditional healers to reduce fatigue, improve circulation, and regulate hormonal balance. Additionally, these protective qualities may also protect against irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, and infertility that are associated with PCOS. Recent studies have uncovered that curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, helps boost metabolic activity, which can result in improved fertility. Therefore, supplementing with turmeric on a regular basis holds many potential benefits for women who battle the symptoms of PCOS.

It could help to improve insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance affects up to 70% of PCOS women. It will also aggravate inflammation in the body and increase androgens production. The increased androgen levels will cause some common PCOS symptoms like acne, weight gain, and excessive facial hair production. one research found that turmeric can help keep pre-diabetic individuals from developing diabetes.

Turmeric can decrease the resistance to insulin, which helps in reducing symptoms associated with PCOS. A study found that turmeric helps keep pre-diabetic people from becoming diabetic.

One research also reveals that turmeric helps in controlling blood sugar and also improves lipid metabolism, both resulting in decreasing insulin resistance.

It could help to reduce inflammation.

Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant found in turmeric. It helps lower inflammation in the body. Increased cortisol levels and long-standing inflammation, like in the case of PCOS, result in insulin resistance which leads to high blood sugar levels and increased androgens production. Turmeric can combat very well with these problems and provide ease from PCOS symptoms. One research has found that turmeric is very effective in C-reactive protein, which is a major inflammatory marker.

 Turmeric boosts antioxidants

Different metabolic processes lead to the production of free radicals in the body, which increases oxidative stress and has damaging effects on the body. So normally, the main role of the antioxidants is to neutralize the free radicals. When the production of free radicals is greater then antioxidants, then the body is at greater risk of developing medical conditions like PCOS. You can reduce such risk by consuming foods that are rich in antioxidants. Turmeric is one of the most beneficial options you can choose because it contains powerful antioxidants that can help in reducing oxidative stress.

Supports Healthy Liver Function

Curcumin can increase the production of bile in the gall bladder, which helps in detoxification in your body.Liver is responsible for the metabolism of androgenic hormones, so a healthy liver is very important for the elimination of toxins and excess androgens, especially in the case of PCOS. Studies also prove the beneficial protective effects of turmeric on the liver.

Fights with depression

PCOS symptoms can be disturbing for most females that can lead to depression. On a cellular level, depression results from decreased levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BNDF) and hippocampus shrinkage. Curcumin can increase BNDF levels which elevates mood and decrease depression. It also increases dopamine and serotonin levels.

Increases HDL Cholesterol

HDL is considered good cholesterol, and turmeric helps in increasing HDL levels. Optimum HDL levels protect you from stroke and cardiac disease as PCOS is linked with high cholesterol levels, which eventually results in high blood pressure and heart disease, so keeping high HDL levels is important in PCOS.

Curcumin and female hormones

Although there have been few researches available on the effect curcumin has on female hormones, there is evidence that it may have a beneficial impact. It has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body which can be caused by hormonal changes. Additionally, curcumin may help to decrease the concentration of certain hormones in the body, such as estrogen and testosterone, improving hormone balance and regulating menstrual cycle patterns. However, more studies are needed to confirm the benefits of curcumin on female hormones.

Benefits of turmeric for ovaries

Turmeric has been used for centuries in Indian and Chinese culinary traditions, but it has recently become a health food superstar due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Among the many things that turmeric can do for the body is provide benefits for ovaries. It boosts fertility, assists with regularizing the ovulatory cycle, helps prevent cysts in the ovaries, and can relieve PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) symptoms. Curcumin, which is one of the active ingredients in turmeric, has been found to reduce ovarian inflammation as well as to decrease levels of inflammatory biomarkers such as C-reactive protein. Additionally, taking curcumin along with fenugreek can increase hormone production and improve overall ovarian health. For women struggling with issues related to their ovaries, including infertility or hormonal imbalances, incorporating more turmeric into their daily diets may have significant positive effects on their reproductive well-being.

Tumeric for PCOS | How to consume turmeric for PCOS?

Consuming turmeric as a natural remedy for PCOS ( Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ) is becoming increasingly popular. It is an anti-inflammatory that reduces the symptoms of PCOS and can act as a hormone balancer.

Turmeric can be consumed in

  • Powder or capsule form
  •  Mixed in herbal teas,smoothies, soups, or curries;
  •  It also tastes great when mixed into your favorite recipes.
  •  Additionally, turmeric essential oil can be massaged onto the skin to target PCOS-related inflammation.

For optimal results, make sure to get pure turmeric extract, as it provides more concentrated nutrition than standard turmeric capsules available at stores.

Turmeric Capsules for PCOS

Turmeric capsules are a popular and effective way to consume turmeric. Capsules are generally considered the most effective way to consume turmeric, as they provide a concentrated dose of the spice. They are easy to take and provide a concentrated dose of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. Turmeric capsules are available in many different forms, including standardized extracts, which contain a specific percentage of curcumin. If you’re interested in trying turmeric for PCOS, consider taking a supplement in capsule form. You can find turmeric capsules at most health food stores or online retailers. Start with a low dose (500 mg per day) and increase gradually as needed.

Turmeric Milk

Turmeric Golden Milk is a delicious and healthy drink that is easy to make at home. Turmeric milk, also known as golden milk, is a popular Ayurvedic beverage. It is made by combining turmeric, a spice with many health benefits, with milk. Golden milk is said to be beneficial for digestion, immunity, and joint health, among other things. Some research suggests that curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, may have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Golden milk is easy to make at home by simmering milk and adding turmeric and other spices like black pepper and ginger.

Turmeric Essential Oil

Turmeric essential oils are derived from the dried roots of the Curcuma longa plant. The oil has a wide range of benefits, including helping to relieve pain, inflammation, and anxiety. It can also be used to improve cognitive function and memory. Turmeric essential oils are typically used in aromatherapy and massage therapy. They are beneficial for PCOS-related symptoms like menstrual-related cramps.

Turmeric milk recipe


2 ½ cups of coconut or almond milk

1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon powder

1 ½ teaspoon turmeric powder

1 to 2-inch fresh sliced ginger

1/2 teaspoon coconut oil

Small Pinch of black pepper


Take all the ingredients milk, cinnamon powder, turmeric powder, ginger slices, coconut oil, and black pepper in a small saucepan.

Heat over low heat until warm, stirring occasionally. Do not boil.

Add some sweetener to the drink and serve.


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Is turmeric milk good for PCOS?

Turmeric milk has long been hailed as a beneficial tonic for an array of health maladies thanks to its unique blend of spices and herbs, like turmeric and ginger. Recently, research has uncovered that this golden beverage is also great for women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), as the presence of turmeric in the milk has many health benefits. Studies have found that curcumin, which is found naturally in turmeric, helps combat inflammation associated with PCOS and may even help regulate hormones. Not only that, turmeric milk is also thought to increase fertility levels in those living with this condition due to its anti-inflammatory properties. With all these potential benefits, it’s no wonder why so many women are adding this delicious drink into their diets.

Does turmeric affect ovulation?

Curcumin can cause thinning of the uterus walls and reduce embryo implantation if you’re trying to conceive. Avoiding curcumin if you are doing an IVF cycle may be a wise decision.

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