Your lived experience with PCOS – Imperial College – Verity – The PCOS charity


The below blog post has been written by the student researcher, and details of how to participate can be found at the bottom of this post. Verity have sighted a letter of endorsement from Imperial College Research Ethics Committee.

I am a student in the master of public health at the Imperial College London. I am doing a research project about polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and I would like to invite you to participate.

We are aware that PCOS is burdensome, and women living with it often struggle to get proper support. Living with PCOS may be concerning and worrying for you, as it is for many other women globally. With this research we wish to better understand what it means for a woman to live with PCOS, and hope that this research will contribute to improving the quality of the support women receive.

This is where you could help us. 

I would like to recruit around 10 women diagnosed with PCOS, and interview them about their lived experience with PCOS.

If you do decide to participate, the interview will be virtual via MS Teams and will last around 90 minutes. 

The conclusions of the study will be included in a report that might be published in scientific peer reviewed journals. However, your personal data will not be available in the report and you will not be identified or identifiable.

This study was given favourable opinion by Imperial College Research Ethics Committee (ICREC) and approval by Professor Azeem Majeed, Head of Department of Primary Care and Public Health.

Should you have any question about this research study or about your participation in it, please contact me:


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