Can PCOS Cause Bleeding During Intercourse? Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a well-known hormonal condition which affects 1 in 10 women who are pregnant. PCOS can affect many aspects of health for women, like their menstrual cycle, the hormones that affect fertility, her blood vessels, heart and even appearance. However, is it able to cause bleeding in the course of sexual activity? This post explores the relationship between PCOS and this condition and aims to offer an understanding of the ways the condition affects women’s sexual health.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a complicated hormonal condition which can manifest in a variety of ways. This can result in many symptoms which can be frustrating and confusing. One of these symptoms that can be cause for concern is the possibility of bleeding when having sex. This article will explore the possibility of a relationship between PCOS and sexual bleeding by providing an extensive review for anyone who are experiencing the symptoms or wanting to know more regarding PCOS.
Understanding Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS is a disorder of the hormones that is characterized by an over-production of androgens (male hormones) in female bodies. 1.. People suffering from PCOS typically have regular or extended menstrual cycle and may have a number of tiny cysts in their ovaries. 2..
Can PCOS Cause Bleeding During Intercourse?
Although PCOS could cause irregular cycles and abnormal bleeding but it’s not specifically connected with bleeding that occurs during sexual activity 3.. But, PCOS can indirectly lead to conditions that could cause bleeding in sex for example, cervical ectropion and endometrial hyperplasia. 4..
Cervical Ectropion and PCOS
Cervical Ectropion, also referred to as cervical erosion, occurs in the event that cells from the canal of cervical, referred to as glandular cells, reside on the outer surface of the cervical cervix 5.. The cells may bleed when they are touched, for example when sexual contact occurs. While this isn’t solely caused by PCOS hormonal imbalances linked to PCOS could cause cervical Ectropion 5.
Endometrial Hyperplasia and PCOS
Endometrial hyperplasia can be described as a disorder in which the lining of the uterus (endometrium) is too dense. This may cause bleeding that is abnormal and can be seen in or out of menstrual cycles and can be a light or heavy6. The women with PCOS have a higher chance for developing an endometrial hyperplasia owing to their irregular menstrual cycles and the increase in the amount of endometrium 7..
Even though PCOS doesn’t directly trigger bleeding in the course of sexual activity however, it may be a contributing factor to certain conditions, such as cervical ectropion as well as endometrial hyperplasia and can trigger the symptom. When you experience bleeding in sexual contact, be sure to talk to a doctor for a diagnosis of the reason and the appropriate treatment. Remember that, while PCOS isn’t easy to control, knowing your signs and working closely with your physician will go a long way to tackling this issue effectively.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can PCOS cause bleeding during intercourse?
PCOS may cause irregular cycles and bleeding that is abnormal however it’s not associated with the occurrence of bleeding in intercourse. It can, however, cause conditions such as cervical ectropion as well as endometrial hyperplasia. These conditions could result in this type of symptom.
What is cervical ectropion?
also known as cervical erosion, occurs when the cells from inside the cervical canal are present on the outside surface of the cervix. These cells can bleed when touched, such as during sexual intercours.
What exactly is the endometrial hyperplasia?
Endometrial hyperplasia is a disorder in which the uterus’s lining is too thick and can cause irregular bleeding. This may occur either during or outside of menstrual cycles.
What should I do if I experience bleeding during sex?
f you’re experiencing bleeding in your sex you should consult with a medical professional to identify the root reason and the appropriate course of course of treatment.