Long-Term Side Effects of Fallopian Tube Removal A Comprehensive Guide

Long-Term Side Effects of Fallopian Tube

Salpingectomy is another name for fallopian tube removal. It involves removing one or both tubes. This is the most common type of sterilization and it is usually performed in conjunction with a hysterectomy to avoid ovarian carcinoma.

You should know that while fallopian tubes removal is a generally safe and effective procedure there may be some long-term effects.

Side effects that are common in the short-term

Some of the most common side effects that occur after fallopian tubes removal are:

  • The pain, bleeding, and cramps
  • The swelling and bruising
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty in urinating
  • Constipation

The side effects of surgery usually disappear within days or even weeks.

Long-term side effects that are less common

Some cases of fallopian tubes removal may also have less common side effects. Some of these include:

  • Menopause early: You will enter menopause as soon as you remove both the fallopian tubes, and ovaries. It can lead to symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats.
  • Chronic pelvic pain. After fallopian tubes removal, some women suffer from chronic pain in the lower abdomen. The pain can be caused by nerve damage or scar tissue.
  • Risk of ectopic pregnancies: When one of the fallopian tubes is removed, a slight increase in ectopic pregnancies is present. When a fertilized ovary implants outside of the uterus, it is called an ectopic.
  • Distress: After fallopian tubes removal, some women may experience distress. The procedure is often viewed as an act of sterility.

What are the long-term side effects of a drug?

Women who have:

  • Do you have a past history of inflammation or pain in the pelvis?
  • Obesity is a serious problem
  • Multiple abdominal surgery

Reduce your risk of long-term side effects

You can reduce your risk of side effects long term from the fallopian tubes removal by:

  • Selecting a surgeon with experience in the particular procedure
  • Resting well after surgery
  • Avoiding strenuous activities for several weeks
  • Take pain relievers over the counter as required
  • Speak to your physician about any worries you may have

How to Know When You Should See A Doctor

You should consult a physician immediately if you have any of these symptoms after the fallopian tubes were removed:

  • Pain or bleeding
  • Fever
  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
  • Difficulty in urinating
  • The pain in the pelvis does not go away after a couple of weeks

The removal of the fallopian tubes is an effective and safe procedure. However, there may be some long-term effects. Talk to your doctor if you’re considering the procedure.


  • KCOBGYN: Tubal Ligation Surgery, Risks, Side Effects & Reversal: https://www.kcobgyn.com/blog/tubal-ligation
  • Cleveland Clinic: Tubal Ligation: Procedure, Recovery & Side Effects: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/4933-tubal-ligation
  • Lake City Pelvic Therapy: Pelvic Pain After Fallopian Tube Removal: https://lakecitypt.com/pelvic-pain-after-fallopian-tube-removal/
  • Clear Passage: You Have Blocked Fallopian Tubes, Do You Need Surgery to Remove Them?: https://clearpassage.com/blog/you-have-blocked-fallopian-tubes-do-you-need-surgery-to-remove-them/
  • Cleveland Clinic: Salpingectomy: Purpose, Procedure, Risks & Recovery: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/21879-salpingectomy
  • Gynobmed Group: What No One Told You About Tubal Ligation: https://www.gynobmedgroup.com/blog/what-no-one-told-you-about-tubal-ligation

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