PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is one of the major cause of infertility in young females suffers from hormonal imbalances, specifically androgens, which results in several problems like hirsutism, menstrual irregularities and eventually fertility issues.
What causes PCOS ?
Dr.Rabia Nafees, working as a senior gynecologist in Hameed Latif hospital Lahore, says, “Having a family history of PCOS and other factors like Obesity could lead to PCOS. She further explains that Obesity causes insulin resistance in our bodies, which results in hormonal imbalance, making females prone to develop the condition. Especially those females who are overweight should adopt health life style like having daily exercise and avoiding fried foods and highly processed foods can be beneficial in preventing the disease. By changing dietary habits, one can easily prevent this condition.
How often do we need to check?
Those Females who have been diagnosed with PCOS should be checked annually. The followup consists of BMI, waist size and other signs like increased hair growth on the face which is one of the signs of excess androgens in the body. Your gynecologist may recommend an abdominal ultrasound and certain blood tests to see the progress. Females with the risk factors should keep an eye on their menstrual cycle if they found any irregularity in the periods for more than 3 to 4 cycles, then a visit to a gynecologist is mandatory.
Treatment options
The good news is PCOS is a completely treatable and preventable condition. You can prevent PCOS by simply with lifestyle modification, like with a healthy diet and exercise. Shedding extra weight can completely reverse this condition ( only if the cause is obesity). There are a lot of other effective treatment options available not only in allopathic medicine but also in homeopathic and herbal medicine.